Louisiana Attempted Making Abortion a Crime Punishable by Homicide

Our patriot leaders are serious with their advocacy of fighting abortion. They do everything they can to save children’s lives and give them a promising future ahead.

Unlike the twisted dems, our conservative leaders believe that every child has the right to live. Despite all the opposition, several states are doing their best to stop abortion. We’ve seen:

  • Arizona legislature approved a 15-week abortion ban
  • Idaho legislature approved a 6-week abortion ban
  • Florida senate approved a 15-week abortion ban
  • Texas approved a 6-week abortion ban
  • Mississippi approved a 15-week abortion ban
  • Kentucky passed a 15-week abortion ban

This May, Louisiana also stepped up to stop abortion as they tried making abortion a homicide crime. However, there were a lot of obstacles in the process.

Louisiana Wanted to Make Abortion a Homicide Crime

Early this month, the state’s House committee approved an anti-abortion bill. Its purpose was to make abortion a crime of homicide. The bill was called the Abolition of Abortion in Louisiana Act

It would guarantee “the right to life and equal protection of the laws to all unborn children from the moment of fertilization by protecting them by the same laws protecting other human beings.” Pregnant women end their pregnancy, and the people who assist them will be penalized…

Republican state Rep. Danny McCormick introduced the bill in the House earlier this year. He wrote, “If more than 15 states can defy the federal government over marijuana. [Then] we can do it to save the lives of innocent babies.” 

Moreover, the Abolition of Abortion in Louisiana Act was supposed to charge murder for abortions in the state. Lawyer Ellie Schilling said, “This is saying that people can be charged with murder for any act that they take against their own pregnancy.”

Republican Rep. Danny McCormick pushed for a House floor debate on his bill despite the opposition. He believes that abortion is murder. McCormick said, “This is a thorny political question, but we all know that it is actually very simple. Abortion is murder.”

Louisiana’s dem Gov. John Bel Edwards is one of the most prominent people who disagree with the bill. He said, “To suggest that a woman would be jailed for abortion is simply absurd. Our longstanding policy is that abortion-vulnerable women should not be treated as criminals.”

Louisiana Removes Murder Charge From Abortion Bill

Unfortunately, the bill’s sponsor withdrew the proposal… right after House members voted to eliminate the criminal penalties. House members voted 65-26 to revamp the legislation, eliminating the criminal penalties.

The bill in Louisiana would have made women who end their pregnancies subject to criminal homicide prosecutions. It is unlikely to pass unless McCormick decides to revive it. Let’s just hope that the dems won’t take advantage of this situation.

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One Thought to “Louisiana Attempted Making Abortion a Crime Punishable by Homicide”

  1. mzaz

    A WOMAN has almost 4 months to decide. Even then, thats a human growing inside a woman’s womb. It is NOT part of her body. We nourish that baby thru an umbilical cord until HE or SHE is able to live on tbeir own. Up to the minute and 28 days (Newsom) after birth is MURDER. Dems cry about the children, yet have no qualms about murdering a defelness baby in a mother’s womb. Abortion is not birth control. If you don’t want to get pregnant, use birth contr ob better yet, abstain.
    DEMS – Quit screwing up these precious children with sex, porn, trans, alphabet flag etc. Keep your sick tbought to yourselves. Quit indoctrinating our children.
    Let them enjoy life outdoors and be children. They have no idea about sex at 4, 5, 6 etc years.

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